
The Business Value Game at Agile 2009

Portia and I present The Business Value Game at Agile 2009 in Chicago on August 26th from 16:00 to 17:30.

Susan the Business Value Game customer


The Toyota Way at Integrating Agile Conference

Portia and I present “The Toyota Way” at the Integrating Agile Conference in Amsterdam, organised by the Agile Consortium Benelux and Agile Holland.


Les cinq premiers pas pour devenir vraiment agile

Les cinq premiers pas…

Aujourd’hui, Portia et moi présentons une nouvelle session, “Les cinq premiers pas pour devenir agile” au XP Day Suisse à Geneve. C’est une présentation courte et interactive (les participants jouent 5 jeux) qui introduit cinq “outils” que nous utilisons quand nous commencons à travailler avec une équipe.

Plus de nouvelles après le congrès.

Cinq outils… et plus

Si vous voulez apprendre ces cinq outils et plein d’autres pour aider votre équipe a réaliser plus de résultats, devenir plus agile et s’amuser plus, la formation “Agile en Pratique” de Zenika est toute faite pour vous.

Vous aimeriez appliquer les méthodes agiles. Comment les appliquer dans votre équipe, sur votre projet ? Comment faire la transition vers les méthodes agiles? Cette formation répond à toutes ces questions. A travers des exercices, des jeux et des simulations vous expérimenterez les techniques agiles. Vous saurez comment, pourquoi et quand les appliquer afin d’améliorer la qualité du résultat et du travail de votre équipe.

Rendez-vous les 21 et 22 Avril à Paris!

The five first steps to become really agile

Portia and I present the “Five first steps to become really agile” at the Swiss XP Day. This new session presents five simple “tools” that we use when we start to work with a new team.

This is the first session that we developed first in french. We’ll translate it in English and do a tryout soon. Then we’ll publish the session on our Agile Coach site with the other games we’ve made.

More about the session when it’s published.


XP Days France 2009

Paris au printemps

I’ll be back in Paris for XP Days France on May 25th and 26th. The conference will be held in beautiful Bois de Vincennes.

Portia and I will present the “Blanche Neige et les Sept NainsAgile Fairytale and “The Business Value Game” simulation. By then we’ll translate both games into French and publish them with the same Creative Commons license as our other games.

Bonjour à nos amis francophones en France, Belgique, La Suisse et ailleurs. J’espère vous viendrez jouer avec nous au Conte de Fées Agile de Blanche Neige et les Sept Nains et “Le Jeu de la Business Value“. Ces deux jeux seront disponibles en version française avant la conférence. Comme tous nous jeux, ces deux sessions ont une license “Creative Commons”, donc vous pourrez les jouer chez vous.

A bientôt!


Mini XP Day Benelux 2009

The dangers of success

XP Days Benelux 2008 was a success, as evidenced by all the smiling people in the conference pictures and the positive feedback about the conference and the sessions.


  • Many people couldn’t participate because the conference was sold out. We cap the number of participants to (on average) 30 per track, so that the sessions can be interactive with participation from all attendees.
  • Many participants were frustrated because choosing one session meant not being able to attend a session in the four other tracks.
  • Good sessions improve when they’re run again as the presenters incorporate feedback. We do have a collaborative session proposal refinement system, but after the XP Days it’s done.
  • How can we reach more people? If we grow the conference and allow more people we will either dilute the experience (more participants per track) or need to add more tracks. With more participants, the organisation becomes more complex. There is a greater risk that the participants will split in groups of people with similar interests and backgrounds so that there’s less exchange of ideas.
  • The organisation of XP Days is done by volunteers. We all have a limited amount of time we can invest.

How can we solve these problems and make the XP Days even better?

Mini XP Day – XP Days greatest hits

Mini XP Day is a one day event where we rerun eight of the most liked sessions of the previous year. It’s a second chance to participate in these sessions.

There are only two tracks, so participation is limited to 60. Such a small event requires less effort and time than a full XP Day conference. For example, there’s no session improvement and selection process to go through.

The preliminary program (two sessions have not yet been confirmed) is now online.

So, here’s you chance to go to four great XP Days sessions.

Don’t wait too long to take it.

Pictures by Xavier Quesada