
XP Days looking for sessions

Yes, it’s call for session season again.

XP Days Benelux are looking for sessions

XP Days London are looking for sessions

XP Day Germany is looking for sessions

Hosting a session at a conference is a great way to learn something about your chosen topic, about presenting, about ways to make a topic understandable and about yourself.

XP Day Benelux

I’m one of the organizers of XP Days Benelux, so I’d like to encourage you to propose a session for this conference.

We’re looking for lots of different sessions, to cater to a diverse audience. Some people claim they’ve been doing agile all their life; others have just heard about it and want to know more. Some people are interested in hardcore technical topics, some are more into management, others want to explore more of the “soft skills”. Some people want to explore the fringe, new ideas, others want to learn practical techniques that they can apply the next day at work.
If you haven’t organized a conference session before, there are plenty of friendly people who’ll help you prepare and present.

And best of all: Belgian hospitality, great food and fantastic beer. See you there!