
XP Day Switzerland

Another XP Day!

XP Days branches out: our French-speaking Swiss friends organise the first XP Day Switzerland in Geneva on Monday March 30th, 2009.

The conference is a good opportunity for me to return to Geneva and see some of the local Agilists again. I’ve got great memories of the conference center, where I presented the Toyota Way and the participants discussed Toyota, Lean and Agile into the night. I’m looking forward to go for a run along the lake.

The conference program has been published at http://www.xpday.ch. The detailed descriptions aren’t available yet, but judging from the subjects and the speakers, this looks to be another fun and interesting XP Day.

Another new session!

One of the proposals Portia and I sent in got accepted. For the occasion, we’ve developed a new session: “Les Cinq premiers pas pour devenir vraiment agile”. In this interactive presentation, the audience gets to try out 5 “tools” we use when coaching teams that are new to agile. They can immediately put these tools into practice during the conference day.

I’m really looking forward to this session. If it all works out, this will be both fun and useful. The session is scheduled at the start of the conference because it also serves as an ice-breaker. We might be able to reuse parts of this session for other occasions. Like the one that will be announced soon…

More XP Days news

Watch this space for more exciting XP Day news soon…