
Laurent for President

Laurent Bossavit has announced that he’s a candidate for the Agile Alliance board.

I wholeheartedly agree with his position statement and the fact that we “need to eat our own dog food”.

For example: “The processes used to develop software that support AA activities should be Agile processes“. The software that manages the administration of the Benelux XP Days has been developed as an experiment in distributed agile development and further enhanced at our “Pair Programming Parties“. The result is good enough for me, as the main customer and user of the system, to do my job. I’m now writing some more stories to extend the functionality to everyone who registers for the conference. The software is going to have to be good enough for you.

Another of Laurent’s stories is “The selection of conference tutorials should be such that tutorial presenters are given several occasions for feedback and improvement, rather than just one known as ‘The Submission Deadline’.” That’s another thing we try to improve at the XP Days: session organizers send in their initial proposals and then collaborate to improve each other’s proposal. The program committee then chooses from the improved proposals. If iteration and feedback is good enough for software development, it should be good enough for session development.

Now, where do I go to vote for Laurent? Either at Agile 2007 (but that’s already sold out) or by mail. Laurent has got my mail.

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