
XP Days Benelux 2009 – Call for Sessions

XP Days Benelux 2009

The next XP Days Benelux will take place on 23 and 24 November, in Mechelen, Belgium. As usual, this is a great opportunity for everybody’s who’s interested in Agile methods to share information and learn from each other.

Submit a proposal

Presenting a session is a great way to learn. Why don’t you submit a session proposal for XP Days Benelux?

  • Do you work in interesting circumstances? If not, what are you doing there?
  • Did you learn some new useful tool, technology or method? If not, you should definitely come to XP Days!
  • Did you experience some failures? If not, are you taking enough risks? Are you still learning?
  • Did you work together with some new and interesting people? If not, you should definitely come to XP Days because that’s filled with interesting people.

Even if you’ve never created and presented a session before, submit a proposal for XP Days. We practice the agile values, so there’s plenty of collaboration, communication and feedback to help you refine your session. It just requires a bit of courage. Or you could ask for a session on a certain subject. That might give someone the idea to create a session for you.

What are you waiting for?

I just submitted a proposal about solving conflicts without compromise together with Jef Cumps.

Did I mention that up to two presenters per session get a free pass to both days of the conference?

See you at the conference!